Welcome to Northwest Athletics! We are a family ran gym focusing on small group training where our objective is to improve body composition, increase work capacity and help members look, feel and perform better, not only in the gym but in the daily tasks of life. To do this, we uniquely blend together a mix of strength training, sports performance, basic physical therapy, conditioning and functional fitness. We pride ourselves in the ability to work with all ages and fitness levels ranging from 10-70+ and with small groups we are able to strictly monitor reps and weights used by scaling workouts per the individuals fitness level and reduce the risk of injury.
What’s unique about our strength & conditioning gym is that we take the same approach and methodology that a professional collegiate coach would take to train professional athletes but we customize it to fit the fitness level and ability of an average person ranging from 10-70+ years old.
S&C is greatly important to the clients wellbeing considering that the 8 core movements (squat, lunge, step up, hinge, rotation, push, pull & carry) are movements we do daily and must be strong and efficient in them to insure we live a strong and healthy life, especially as we age.
The squat is the most important exercise in the program and is performed in different variations multiple times a week. No other exercise matches the utility of the squat in terms of the range of motion, the number of muscles involved, and systemic stress applied. The squat has a range of benefits including an impact on muscle mass, bone density, tendon strength, and heart/lung function. No leg press or lunge can come close to the benefits of the traditional squat.

The strict press is the most efficient form of pressing and is performed weekly. The press is a full body exercise strengthening the abs, arms, shoulders/traps and everything in between. Individual muscle group exercises like curls or tricep pull downs can’t compare to how quickly and effectively the press can improve all aspects of upper body strength.
The bench is a great compliment to the strict press and enables the client to achieve higher intensity by loading more weight on the bar than the strict press. Like the press, the bench is a full body exercise with an emphasis on the upper body.

The deadlift is a full body exercise that dramatically improves back, legs, butt, and grip strength. We perform many different variations of the deadlift as we try to mimic a realistic movement we use in our day-to-day lives. A strong back is a healthy back and one that’s less prone to injury from the variables of life.
We use the power clean to introduce speed work into our lifting. Quick and rapid movement is important for the overall athleticism of the individual.

I have been with Aaron for going on 6 years. There is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful that I did. What originally caught my attention was that the program was designed to make me fit for everyday life. It has done that and so much more. Even though I am older than the average client, the instructors have scaled the program to fit my needs and athletic (or lack of) ability. This gym is not your average gym. We are friends that are just as excited about each others successes as we are of our own.
I hadn’t been happy with my workouts for quite awhile. I was working out every day but not toning or building muscle. Enter a chance conversation with a friend and…Northwest Athletics! I have been going to NWA since October and cannot believe the change in my body. I have definition now and I am stronger and fitter than ever. Between the nutrition guidance, personal training and classes, I know I will be in top shape for my wedding in the end of June.